Retreat Svetega Imena
termin: 8.6.2013 do 15.6.2013
kraj: Otok Iž
Za vas organiziramo prevoz iz Ljubljane do pristanišča v Zadru in nazaj.
Cena za prevoz 70,00 EUR.
Za vas lahko tudi izvedemo rezervacijo in plačilo namestitev za poletni festival na otoku Ižu – strošek administracije 10,00 EUR.
Letos je hotel na otoku Iž kakovostnejši, vse sobe pa imajo enak standard opreme.
Vse dodatne informacije lahko poiščete na:
Cene za namestitev in polni penzion:
Triposteljna soba (po osebi): 215 EUR + 5 EUR taksa = 220EUR
Dvoposteljna soba (po osebi): 240 EUR + 5 EUR taksa = 245 EUR
Enoposteljna soba – večja: 245 EUR + 5 taksa = 250 EUR
Enoposteljna soba – manjša: 235 EUR + 5 taksa = 240 EUR
več informacij sledi….
Osebno vabilo NS Sačinandana Swamija:
Subject: (Slovenski forum »689«) Kirtan Retreat – Island of Iz – Croatia – June 8th-15th, 2013
To: “Urukrama (das) RNS (Ljubljana – SLO)” <>
Nama – ruci
Chanting with Taste
Kirtan Retreat, the Island of Iz, Croatia
2013, June 8th – 15th
The Island of Iz will host the International Holy Name Retreat for the 3rd
This year we will take guidance from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s foundational
work on chanting, called Harinama Cintamani (“The Touchstone of the Holy Name
of Hari”) and bring our practice to new levels of experience.
Once we learn how to bring the touchstone of the Name into the heart, it will
transform our inner being and from there the light will shine onto our entire
The friendly hotel situated right at the shore of the crystal clear Adriatic
Sea provides an ideal setting for what we are aiming for: to enter the
sanctuary of the heart.
Of all things, silence is the hardest to attain – especially inner silence,
which stops the inner noise and makes room for Krishna. Therefore, in this
retreat we want to develop new spiritual habits that will remain with us for a
long time to come.
The feedback from previous retreats made us fine-tune this year’s schedule.
– There will be an entire day set aside for japa and another one for kirtan.
With the help of the guided preparations given to you beforehand, you will very
easily immerse yourself into the Holy Name.
– We will learn different skills and immediately apply them in the workshops.
To keep the body and mind strong, there will be healthy prasadam preparations,
optional yoga sessions during the breaks and, of course, an expansive Adriatic
Sea for swimming with the dolphins.
The program will include very practical daily workshops and highly inspiring
lila-kirtans during the evenings (dramatic readings interspersed with kirtan
and music).
In addition, we have arranged sufficient time for personal reflection and
‘spiritual digestion’.
My team and I look forward to this retreat, since the environment is so
amazingly perfect for experiencing the power of the Holy Name. Once that power
acts upon us, it can easily show us who we are. And once you have been given a
good answer to your ‘Who am I?’ question, all the ‘What should I do?’ questions
tend to take care of themselves.
We cordially invite you and your friends to join us!
The registration is open from now on. Please do not wait too long so that we
can make sure to get you a room. In order to register and find out more
details, please visit the webpage
All the best and lots of spiritual strength,
Sacinandana Swami and the Croatian Holy Name Retreat Team